Reviewing My Commercial

    As I progress with my commercial, I start to gain more confidence in how well it will do. The song choice is pleasing. There are numerous shots for the viewers to look at. The videos are entertaining. Although I have confidence in my commercial's success, I only have one set of eyes. To be sure my commercial is coming along the right way. I have to ask other people what they think. I asked my close circle and started with my older brother Mike. I asked my brother what he thinks about the song. He responded with "everybody messes with this". This gave me confidence in my song choice because he is very passionate about music. I asked him about my pictures, and he said, "there's a lot of different angles, but you need it to tell a story." When I asked him to elaborate, he said, "you need these to correlate and give the viewers something to remember". I thought about what he said and asked myself, what will the viewers remember about my commercial. I came to the realization that there is nothing to remember about my commercial. I needed something to fix my flaw. The song is fine. I thought to myself for a period of time and decided to create a story for my viewers to remember. That is how I will make a successful commercial.


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