

Monica is asking John if he'd like to go out with her to go to the store.

John agrees to go out, but he must first look for his shoes and put them on.

John then starts to complain about the alleged doll under his bed.

The camera shows the bed and then a clip of what is under/around it.
Monica walks into the room to see what John is talking about.

The camera does a close-up of her face to show her annoyance with John as she tells him to hurry up so they can leave.


The camera zooms into a bedroom with a doll sitting on it.

Monica walks into her room and is shocked by the doll.
Monica walks over to Johns's room to question the doll's appearance.
Before Monica walks in John is reading a book.

As Monica starts to question John, he starts to get confused.

They both sit on a bed and start to bicker and she orders him to her room.
The camera zooms into Johns face, he is seen smiling and not taking Monica seriously, but he eventually agrees to go with her.
A dimly hit hallway is displayed.

Monica and John are shown walking down the hallway.

Before the characters walk in a preview of the room is shown. (There is no doll.)

Monica and John are shown staring at the empty bed.

The camera pans to Monica's confused face.
The 2 argue a little about the alleged doll.
John starts to joke around.

The room's atmosphere starts to shift and the lights start flickering.

John and Monica start to get startled and question what's going on.
The entire room goes black.

A sudden close-up of a new, unknown character is displayed.

Monica and John are shown looking aghast.

The new character is shown looking mischevious.

Monica and John start to look around and at each other in shock.


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